I was tasked to create a metaphorical book cover for the classic novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird". This first cover revolves around a few themes from the book. The first element I wanted to highlight was childhood innocence which I captured through the hand-drawn crayon texture and type. The next theme was good vs evil which is portrayed through the groups of apples. Green apples have a history of being sour and "bad" which makes up the majority of society. The one good red apple represents the main characters that wanted to stand up for equality and justice. This was seen as rebellious to the rest of society which is why the bite is taken out of it.

This second version of the cover takes a more literal approach with a modern illustration style. I wanted to put one of the main locations and events that ocurred on the front with the mockingbird rising above the fire to symbolize a phoenix rising up from the ashes of society.